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How the Agave Democratic Infrastructure Fund is building sustained multi-cycle investment across the state.

The Agave Democratic Infrastructure Fund is making strategic investments that will help Democrats win in 2024 and inform a long-term strategy helping create the environment where Democrats can win in Texas — and building campaign infrastructure that lasts beyond any one election cycle.
We envision a Texas where many Democrats can have success on Election Day - not just one candidate or campaign. We know that running strong campaigns up and down the ballot is critical to our ability to win statewide — both to build a bench and to build power, but also because well-funded down-ballot races help our top-of-ticket prospects.
Let’s be clear: we’re not going to flip Texas overnight. But our goals remain with the long-term strategy for the State and the highly functional, collaborative, and durable Democratic ecosystem needed to elect Democrats up and down the ballot.

Agave will survey the whole political landscape to see where we stand, what's missing, and what’s needed to ensure a functioning Democratic ecosystem. We will collaborate with partners already doing work in these spaces to drive investment in these strategic priorities.

Agave will work to identify and support talent at the staff and elected official level. We will find and cultivate talented Texans and give them the resources and supported needed to reach their full potential. We believe that building the bench in Texas is paramount if we want to see substantive results and reliable electoral change.

Agave will play a role in improving and funding critical inputs that go into a winning campaign. That includes candidate recruitment, data, staff training, messaging, and research, to identify what Democrats in Texas should be saying to persuade voters on the campaign trail.

Too often in Texas, we prioritize one individual campaign cycle without building lasting infrastructure. This means that our hard work every election cycle to organize, fundraise, and turn out voters in communities across the Lone Star State goes to waste.
We are working to end the boom and bust cycle of elections in Texas by building infrastructure and investment to create a lasting impact.